

Posted in 我們 by lousyma on 16 一月, 2012




4 回應

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  1. lcl said, on 3 二月, 2012 at 6:59 上午

    I remember seeing a glue gun somewhere but just couldn’t find it when I needed it or thought I needed it. In the end, I used Elmer’s wood glue, it works pretty well except it takes just a bit longer to dry, than say, the glue gun I guess. Alex had to build some popsicle bridge so I built one too. It’s easier to criticize but a bit harder to build one. So it was a good exercise and a good experience. I never built one before.

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  3. Kaimama said, on 16 一月, 2012 at 7:50 下午


  4. Ivy ee said, on 16 一月, 2012 at 4:39 下午

    好醒的爸爸,好惦的靚靚悠悠 🙂
